atomes 1.1.16
atomes: an atomic scale modeling tool box
Directories | |
readers | |
Files | |
close_p.c | |
Functions to close an atomes project Callbacks to close an atomes project. | |
debugio.c | |
Some debugging and printing functions. | |
init_p.c | |
Functions to initialize an atomes project. | |
open_p.c | |
Functions to start the reading of an atomes project file. | |
project.c | |
Project management functions. | |
project.h | |
Function declarations for reading atomes project file Function declarations for saving atomes project file. | |
read_bond.c | |
Function to read bonding information in the atomes project file format. | |
read_curve.c | |
Functions to read curve data in the atomes project file format. | |
read_field.c | |
Functions to read DLPOLY force field data in the atomes project file format. | |
read_mol.c | |
Functions to read molecule(s) data in the atomes project file format. | |
read_opengl.c | |
Functions to read the OpenGL window data in the atomes project file format. | |
read_qm.c | |
Functions to read ab-intio (CPMD/CP2K) calculation parameters in the atomes project file format. | |
save_bond.c | |
Functions to save bonding information in the atomes project file format. | |
save_curve.c | |
Functions to save curves information in the atomes project file format. | |
save_field.c | |
Functions to save force field information in the atomes project file format. | |
save_mol.c | |
Functions to save molecules information in the atomes project file format. | |
save_opengl.c | |
Functions to save OpenGL information in the atomes project file format. | |
save_p.c | |
Functions to start saving an atomes project file. | |
save_qm.c | |
Functions to save ab-initio (CPMD/CP2K) calculation parameters in the atomes project file format. | |
update_p.c | |
Functions to update a project Functions to activate a project. | |