Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- n -
- new_atom_in_selection() : selection.c, popup.c, calc.c
- new_atom_to_merge() : dlp_mol.c
- new_coord_menus() : atom_coord.c, read_bond.c
- new_gtk_window() : global.h, gtk-misc.c
- nose_parameters() : cpmd_nose.c
- not_done() : force_fields.c
- not_done_an() : force_fields.c
- not_in_already() : d_box.c
- not_in_corners() : d_box.c
- num_angles() : d_measures.c, project.h, w_measures.c, selection.c, calc.c
- num_bonds() : calc.c, d_measures.c, selection.c, w_measures.c, project.h
- num_dihedrals() : calc.c, d_measures.c, selection.c, w_measures.c, project.h