atomes 1.1.14
atomes: an atomic scale modeling tool box
No Matches
calc.c File Reference

Callbacks used in by the molecular dynamics calculation assistants
Atom selection structure manipulation tools
The initialization of the assistants. More...

#include "global.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "glwindow.h"
#include "glview.h"
+ Include dependency graph for calc.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MAXDATAQM   7


void create_classical_force_field (int p, int f)
 create classical force field prepare the assistant
void create_qm_input_file (int c, int p, int s)
 initialize an ab-initio MD input file creation assistant
void create_new_project_using_data (atom_selection *selection)
 create new project using an atom selection
int num_bonds (int i)
 number of distinct pair(s) of atoms in selection
int num_angles (int i)
 number of distinct triplet(s) of atoms in selection
int num_dihedrals (int i)
 number of distinct quadruplet(s) of atoms in selection
atom_in_selectionnew_atom_in_selection (int id, int sp)
 create a selected atom
G_MODULE_EXPORT void confirm_selection (GtkDialog *dialog, gint response_id, gpointer data)
 confirm that the selection is good
void field_question (gchar *question, GCallback handler, gpointer data)
 ask the use to confirm something
atom_selectionduplicate_ogl_selection (atom_selection *old_sel)
 copy an atom selection
void unselect_all_atoms (glwin *view)
 remove all atom(s) from selection
void restore_ogl_selection (glwin *view)
 restore a saved atom selection
void preserve_ogl_selection (glwin *view)
 copy the atom selection, so that it can be re-used once the input assistant is closed.
G_MODULE_EXPORT void create_field (GtkWidget *widg, gpointer data)
 start an input creation assistant


int selected_aspec
GtkWidget * qm_assistant
GtkTextBuffer * qmbuffer [MAXDATAQM+2]
gboolean force_mol = FALSE
int idopt
int icalc
int ident
int icomb
gboolean selection_confirmed
char * input_types [NINPUTS]

Detailed Description

Callbacks used in by the molecular dynamics calculation assistants
Atom selection structure manipulation tools
The initialization of the assistants.

Sébastien Le Roux sebas.nosp@m.tien.nosp@m..lero.nosp@m.ux@i.nosp@m.pcms..nosp@m.unis.nosp@m.tra.f.nosp@m.r

Definition in file calc.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAXDATAQM   7

Definition at line 55 of file calc.c.

Function Documentation

◆ confirm_selection()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void confirm_selection ( GtkDialog * dialog,
gint response_id,
gpointer data )

confirm that the selection is good

dialogthe GtkDialog sending the signal
response_idthe response id
datathe pointer if needed, not in this case

Definition at line 88 of file calc.c.

◆ create_classical_force_field()

void create_classical_force_field ( int p,
int f )

create classical force field prepare the assistant

pthe target project id
f0 = DL-POLY, 1 = LAMMPS

Definition at line 4674 of file dlp_field.c.

◆ create_field()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void create_field ( GtkWidget * widg,
gpointer data )

start an input creation assistant

widgthe GtkWidget sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 308 of file calc.c.

◆ create_new_project_using_data()

void create_new_project_using_data ( atom_selection * selection)

create new project using an atom selection

selectionthe atom selection to use

Definition at line 2060 of file popup.c.

◆ create_qm_input_file()

void create_qm_input_file ( int c,
int p,
int s )

initialize an ab-initio MD input file creation assistant

c0 = CPMD, 1 = CP2K
pthe target project
s0 = ab-initio, 1 = QM-MM

Definition at line 1567 of file cpmd_init.c.

◆ duplicate_ogl_selection()

atom_selection * duplicate_ogl_selection ( atom_selection * old_sel)

copy an atom selection

old_selthe atom selection to copy

Definition at line 119 of file calc.c.

◆ field_question()

void field_question ( gchar * question,
GCallback handler,
gpointer data )

ask the use to confirm something

questionthe text to display
handlerthe callback to use
datathe data to transmit to the callback

Definition at line 103 of file calc.c.

◆ new_atom_in_selection()

atom_in_selection * new_atom_in_selection ( int id,
int sp )

create a selected atom

idatom id
spatom species

Definition at line 428 of file selection.c.

◆ num_angles()

int num_angles ( int i)

number of distinct triplet(s) of atoms in selection

ithe number of atom(s) in selection

Definition at line 195 of file selection.c.

◆ num_bonds()

int num_bonds ( int i)

number of distinct pair(s) of atoms in selection

ithe number of atom(s) in selection

Definition at line 183 of file selection.c.

◆ num_dihedrals()

int num_dihedrals ( int i)

number of distinct quadruplet(s) of atoms in selection

ithe number of atom(s) in selection

Definition at line 207 of file selection.c.

◆ preserve_ogl_selection()

void preserve_ogl_selection ( glwin * view)

copy the atom selection, so that it can be re-used once the input assistant is closed.

viewthe glwin the selection comes from

Definition at line 264 of file calc.c.

◆ restore_ogl_selection()

void restore_ogl_selection ( glwin * view)

restore a saved atom selection

viewthe glwin to restore the selection to

Definition at line 218 of file calc.c.

◆ unselect_all_atoms()

void unselect_all_atoms ( glwin * view)

remove all atom(s) from selection

viewthe glwin the selection comes from

Definition at line 182 of file calc.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ force_mol

gboolean force_mol = FALSE

Definition at line 71 of file calc.c.

◆ icalc

int icalc

Definition at line 73 of file calc.c.

◆ icomb

int icomb

Definition at line 75 of file calc.c.

◆ ident

int ident

Definition at line 74 of file calc.c.

◆ idopt

int idopt

Definition at line 72 of file calc.c.

◆ input_types

char* input_types[NINPUTS]

Definition at line 71 of file m_tools.c.

◆ qm_assistant

GtkWidget* qm_assistant

Definition at line 66 of file calc.c.

◆ qm_coord

coord_info* qm_coord

Definition at line 69 of file calc.c.

◆ qm_proj

project* qm_proj

Definition at line 67 of file calc.c.

◆ qm_view

glwin* qm_view

Definition at line 68 of file calc.c.

◆ qmbuffer

GtkTextBuffer* qmbuffer[MAXDATAQM+2]

Definition at line 70 of file calc.c.

◆ selected_aspec

int selected_aspec

Definition at line 179 of file popup.c.

◆ selection_confirmed

gboolean selection_confirmed

Definition at line 77 of file calc.c.