atomes 1.1.16
atomes: an atomic scale modeling tool box
No Matches
Curve Struct Reference

#include <global.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for Curve:

Data Fields

int cid
int ndata
double * data [2]
double * err
double cmin [2]
double cmax [2]
GtkWidget * plot
GtkWidget * button
GtkWidget * curve_vbox
GtkWidget * curve_hbox
GtkWidget * window
GtkWidget * pos
GtkWidget * shortcuts
int wsize [2]
GtkWidget * datatree
qint idcol [2]
ColRGBA backcolor
int format
char * name
double axmin [2]
double axmax [2]
gboolean axis_defaut_title [2]
char * axis_title [2]
int axis_title_x [2]
int axis_title_y [2]
gchar * axis_title_font [2]
int scale [2]
gboolean autoscale [2]
gboolean show_grid [2]
gboolean show_axis [2]
double majt [2]
int mint [2]
int ticks_io [2]
int ticks_pos [2]
int majt_size [2]
int mint_size [2]
int labels_pos [2]
int labels_digit [2]
gchar * labels_font [2]
double labels_angle [2]
int labels_shift_x [2]
int labels_shift_y [2]
gboolean show_legend
double legend_pos [2]
gchar * legend_font
ColRGBA legend_color
gboolean show_legend_box
int legend_box_dash
ColRGBA legend_box_color
double legend_box_thickness
char * title
gboolean show_title
gboolean default_title
double title_pos [2]
gchar * title_font
ColRGBA title_color
gboolean show_frame
int frame_type
int frame_dash
double frame_thickness
ColRGBA frame_color
double frame_pos [2][2]
cairo_surface_t * surface
int draw_id
int bshift
gboolean displayed
char * cfile
gchar * path
int action_id
CurveState state
GSimpleActionGroup * action_group

Detailed Description

Definition at line 607 of file global.h.

Field Documentation

◆ action_group

GSimpleActionGroup* action_group

Definition at line 687 of file global.h.

◆ action_id

int action_id

Unique Id to identify actions

Definition at line 685 of file global.h.

◆ autoscale

gboolean autoscale[2]


Definition at line 637 of file global.h.

◆ axis_defaut_title

gboolean axis_defaut_title[2]

Use axis default title

Definition at line 631 of file global.h.

◆ axis_title

char* axis_title[2]

Title of axis

Definition at line 632 of file global.h.

◆ axis_title_font

gchar* axis_title_font[2]

Axis title font

Definition at line 635 of file global.h.

◆ axis_title_x

int axis_title_x[2]

Position of the x axis title

Definition at line 633 of file global.h.

◆ axis_title_y

int axis_title_y[2]

Position of the y axis title

Definition at line 634 of file global.h.

◆ axmax

double axmax[2]

Max for the axis X and Y

Definition at line 630 of file global.h.

◆ axmin

double axmin[2]

Min for the axis X and Y

Definition at line 629 of file global.h.

◆ backcolor

ColRGBA backcolor

Background color

Definition at line 625 of file global.h.

◆ bshift

int bshift

Curve x shift for bar diagram

Definition at line 680 of file global.h.

◆ button

GtkWidget* button

Interaction button for 'Toolboxes'

Definition at line 616 of file global.h.

◆ cfile

char* cfile

Definition at line 683 of file global.h.

◆ cid

int cid

Curve id

Definition at line 609 of file global.h.

◆ cmax

double cmax[2]

Max of the data on X and Y

Definition at line 614 of file global.h.

◆ cmin

double cmin[2]

Min of the data on X and Y

Definition at line 613 of file global.h.

◆ curve_hbox

GtkWidget* curve_hbox

Definition at line 618 of file global.h.

◆ curve_vbox

GtkWidget* curve_vbox

Curve top boxes for the menu bar

Definition at line 617 of file global.h.

◆ data

double* data[2]

X and Y data

Definition at line 611 of file global.h.

◆ datatree

GtkWidget* datatree

Widget for the selection tree

Definition at line 623 of file global.h.

◆ default_title

gboolean default_title

Use default title

Definition at line 664 of file global.h.

◆ displayed

gboolean displayed

Definition at line 682 of file global.h.

◆ draw_id

int draw_id

Curve drawing order

Definition at line 679 of file global.h.

◆ err

double* err

Error bar on Y if any.

Definition at line 612 of file global.h.

◆ extrac

ExtraSets* extrac

Extra data set(s) added to graph

Definition at line 677 of file global.h.

◆ format

int format

Format of output (screen, png, pdf, ...)

Definition at line 626 of file global.h.

◆ frame_color

ColRGBA frame_color

Frame color

Definition at line 673 of file global.h.

◆ frame_dash

int frame_dash

Frame line style

Definition at line 671 of file global.h.

◆ frame_pos

double frame_pos[2][2]

Frame 0 = x, 1 = y, 0 = min and 1 = max

Definition at line 674 of file global.h.

◆ frame_thickness

double frame_thickness

Frame line thickness

Definition at line 672 of file global.h.

◆ frame_type

int frame_type

Frame type

Definition at line 670 of file global.h.

◆ idcol

qint idcol[2]

For navigation in the list view

Definition at line 624 of file global.h.

◆ labels_angle

double labels_angle[2]

Ticks label angle

Definition at line 649 of file global.h.

◆ labels_digit

int labels_digit[2]

Significant digits for tick labels

Definition at line 647 of file global.h.

◆ labels_font

gchar* labels_font[2]

Ticks label font

Definition at line 648 of file global.h.

◆ labels_pos

int labels_pos[2]

Ticks label position: normal, opposite, both

Definition at line 646 of file global.h.

◆ labels_shift_x

int labels_shift_x[2]

Ticks position shift from x axis

Definition at line 650 of file global.h.

◆ labels_shift_y

int labels_shift_y[2]

Ticks position shift from y axis

Definition at line 651 of file global.h.

◆ layout

DataLayout* layout

The curve layout

Definition at line 676 of file global.h.

◆ legend_box_color

ColRGBA legend_box_color

Legend box color

Definition at line 659 of file global.h.

◆ legend_box_dash

int legend_box_dash

Legend box line style

Definition at line 658 of file global.h.

◆ legend_box_thickness

double legend_box_thickness

Legend box line thickness

Definition at line 660 of file global.h.

◆ legend_color

ColRGBA legend_color

Legend color

Definition at line 656 of file global.h.

◆ legend_font

gchar* legend_font

Legend font

Definition at line 655 of file global.h.

◆ legend_pos

double legend_pos[2]

Position of the legend

Definition at line 654 of file global.h.

◆ majt

double majt[2]

Value for major ticks

Definition at line 640 of file global.h.

◆ majt_size

int majt_size[2]

Majors ticks size (pixels)

Definition at line 644 of file global.h.

◆ mint

int mint[2]

Number of minor ticks

Definition at line 641 of file global.h.

◆ mint_size

int mint_size[2]

Minors ticks size (pixels)

Definition at line 645 of file global.h.

◆ name

char* name

Name of the curve

Definition at line 627 of file global.h.

◆ ndata

int ndata

number of data points

Definition at line 610 of file global.h.

◆ path

gchar* path

Path for the toolbox tree

Definition at line 684 of file global.h.

◆ plot

GtkWidget* plot

Drawing area

Definition at line 615 of file global.h.

◆ pos

GtkWidget* pos

Mouse cursor position in graph

Definition at line 620 of file global.h.

◆ scale

int scale[2]

Axis scale (linear or log)

Definition at line 636 of file global.h.

◆ shortcuts

GtkWidget* shortcuts

Shortcuts window

Definition at line 621 of file global.h.

◆ show_axis

gboolean show_axis[2]

Show/Hide axis bar

Definition at line 639 of file global.h.

◆ show_frame

gboolean show_frame

Show/Hide frame

Definition at line 669 of file global.h.

◆ show_grid

gboolean show_grid[2]

Show/Hide axis grid

Definition at line 638 of file global.h.

◆ show_legend

gboolean show_legend

Show (1) /Hide (0) legend

Definition at line 653 of file global.h.

◆ show_legend_box

gboolean show_legend_box

Display legend box

Definition at line 657 of file global.h.

◆ show_title

gboolean show_title

Show/Hide title

Definition at line 663 of file global.h.

◆ state

CurveState state

Curve state

Definition at line 686 of file global.h.

◆ surface

cairo_surface_t* surface

The rendering surface

Definition at line 678 of file global.h.

◆ ticks_io

int ticks_io[2]

Ticks in or out / axis bar

Definition at line 642 of file global.h.

◆ ticks_pos

int ticks_pos[2]

Ticks position: normal, opposite, both

Definition at line 643 of file global.h.

◆ title

char* title

Title to display

Definition at line 662 of file global.h.

◆ title_color

ColRGBA title_color

Title color

Definition at line 667 of file global.h.

◆ title_font

gchar* title_font

Title font

Definition at line 666 of file global.h.

◆ title_pos

double title_pos[2]

Position of the title

Definition at line 665 of file global.h.

◆ window

GtkWidget* window

Widget for the window

Definition at line 619 of file global.h.

◆ wsize

int wsize[2]

Curve window size

Definition at line 622 of file global.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: