atomes 1.1.16
atomes: an atomic scale modeling tool box
No Matches
image Struct Reference

#include <glwin.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for image:

Data Fields

ColRGBA backcolor
int color_map [2]
gbooleanshow_atom [2]
gbooleanshow_label [2]
gbooleanshow_poly [9]
gbooleanshow_coord [10]
double ** bondrad
double ** linerad
double radall [2]
gboolean draw_clones
gboolean cloned_poly
int labels_position [5]
int labels_render [5]
int labels_scale [5]
gcharlabels_font [5]
ColRGBAlabels_color [5]
double labels_shift [5][3]
struct screen_stringlabels_list [5]
int labels_format [3]
gboolean mtilt
int mpattern
int mfactor
double mwidth
int m_is_pressed
atom_selectionselected [2]
int box_axis [2]
double box_axis_rad [2]
double box_axis_line [2]
ColRGBA box_color
int extra_cell [3]
double axis_length
int axispos
GLdouble axis_pos [3]
int axis_labels
gcharaxis_title [3]
ColRGBA ** spcolor [10]
GLdouble p_depth
GLdouble c_angle [2]
GLdouble c_shift [2]
GLdouble gnear
GLdouble gfar
GLdouble gleft
GLdouble gright
GLdouble gtop
GLdouble gbottom
GLdouble zoom
vec4_t rotation_quaternion
int ** i_rings [5]
gboolean show_vol [FILLED_STYLES]
gbooleanfm_show_vol [2][FILLED_STYLES]
ColRGBAfm_vol_col [2][FILLED_STYLES]
int rotation_mode
int style
int filled_type
GLint quality
GLint render
int lights
Material m_terial
Fog f_g
int step
int rep
int id

Detailed Description

Definition at line 276 of file glwin.h.

Field Documentation

◆ at_color

ColRGBA* at_color

Atomic species color(s)

Definition at line 287 of file glwin.h.

◆ at_data

atom_data* at_data

Atom visual information, temporary buffer for movie encoding

Definition at line 401 of file glwin.h.

◆ atomicrad

double* atomicrad

Sphere radii (spacefilled used as style)

Definition at line 290 of file glwin.h.

◆ axis_color

ColRGBA* axis_color

Axis colors, if not default

Definition at line 381 of file glwin.h.

◆ axis_labels

int axis_labels

Definition at line 379 of file glwin.h.

◆ axis_length

double axis_length

Axis length

Definition at line 376 of file glwin.h.

◆ axis_pos

GLdouble axis_pos[3]

Axis position

Definition at line 378 of file glwin.h.

◆ axis_title

gchar* axis_title[3]

Axis titles

Definition at line 380 of file glwin.h.

◆ axispos

int axispos


Definition at line 377 of file glwin.h.

◆ backcolor

ColRGBA backcolor

Background color

Definition at line 278 of file glwin.h.

◆ bondrad

double** bondrad

Cylinder radii (ball and stick used as style)

Definition at line 293 of file glwin.h.

◆ box_axis

int box_axis[2]

Show (1) / hide (0):
0 = model box,
1 = axis

Definition at line 363 of file glwin.h.

◆ box_axis_line

double box_axis_line[2]

Wireframe line width (if used): 0 = model box,
1 = axis

Definition at line 369 of file glwin.h.

◆ box_axis_rad

double box_axis_rad[2]

Cylinder radius (if used):
0 = model box,
1 = axis

Definition at line 366 of file glwin.h.

◆ box_color

ColRGBA box_color

Model box color

Definition at line 372 of file glwin.h.

◆ c_angle

GLdouble c_angle[2]

Camera angle: pitch and heading

Definition at line 387 of file glwin.h.

◆ c_shift

GLdouble c_shift[2]

Camera position: x and y

Definition at line 388 of file glwin.h.

◆ cloned_poly

gboolean cloned_poly

Draw cloned ployhedra: 0 = no, 1 = yes

Definition at line 299 of file glwin.h.

◆ color_map

int color_map[2]

Color maps, 0= atoms, 1 = polyhedra

Definition at line 280 of file glwin.h.

◆ draw_clones

gboolean draw_clones

Draw clones: 0 = no, 1 = yes

Definition at line 298 of file glwin.h.

◆ extra_cell

int extra_cell[3]

Extra cells (if any) on x, y and z

Definition at line 374 of file glwin.h.

◆ f_g

Fog f_g

Fog description, if any

Definition at line 450 of file glwin.h.

◆ filled_type

int filled_type

Spacefilled type, in:
0 = covalent radii,
1 = ionic radii,
2 = van Der Waals radii,
3 = in crystal radii

Definition at line 434 of file glwin.h.

◆ fm_show_vol

gboolean* fm_show_vol[2][FILLED_STYLES]

Show (1) or hide (0) isolated fragment(s) and molecule(s) volumes, calculated using:
0 = covalent radii,
1 = ionic radii,
2 = van Der Waals radii,
3 = in crystal radii

Definition at line 414 of file glwin.h.

◆ fm_vol_col

ColRGBA* fm_vol_col[2][FILLED_STYLES]

Isolated fragment(s) and molecule(s) volume colors:
0 = covalent radii,
1 = ionic radii,
2 = van Der Waals radii,
3 = in crystal radii

Definition at line 419 of file glwin.h.

◆ gbottom

GLdouble gbottom

Bottom plane position

Definition at line 394 of file glwin.h.

◆ gfar

GLdouble gfar

Far plane position

Definition at line 390 of file glwin.h.

◆ gleft

GLdouble gleft

Left plane position

Definition at line 391 of file glwin.h.

◆ gnear

GLdouble gnear

Near plane position

Definition at line 389 of file glwin.h.

◆ gright

GLdouble gright

Right plane position

Definition at line 392 of file glwin.h.

◆ gtop

GLdouble gtop

Top plane position

Definition at line 393 of file glwin.h.

◆ i_rings

int** i_rings[5]

Ring(s) visual information, temporary buffer for movie encoding

Definition at line 400 of file glwin.h.

◆ id

int id

Image ID

Definition at line 454 of file glwin.h.

◆ l_ght

Light* l_ght

Light(s) description(s), if any

Definition at line 448 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_color

ColRGBA* labels_color[5]

Labels color:
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 327 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_font

gchar* labels_font[5]

Labels font:
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 321 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_format

int labels_format[3]

Label format for the atom(s) and clone(s)
0 = element name,
1 = atomic symbol,
2 = atomic symbol + ID number (default),
3 = ID number

Definition at line 346 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_list

struct screen_string* labels_list[5]

Label screen strings (rendered and re-usable objects):
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 339 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_position

int labels_position[5]

Labels position:
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 303 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_render

int labels_render[5]

Labels rendering mode:
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 309 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_scale

int labels_scale[5]

Labels scaling mode:
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 315 of file glwin.h.

◆ labels_shift

double labels_shift[5][3]

Labels axis shit, if any:
0 = atom(s),
1 = clone(s),
2 = axis,
3 = measure(s),
4 = measure(s) in edition mode

Definition at line 333 of file glwin.h.

◆ light_loc

int* light_loc

Lights locations (only used when drawing light spots), in
0 = ambient light, not in the model,
1 = spot or directional light, in the model

Definition at line 445 of file glwin.h.

◆ lights

int lights

Number of light(s), default 3

Definition at line 444 of file glwin.h.

◆ linerad

double** linerad

Line width (wireframe used as style)

Definition at line 294 of file glwin.h.

◆ m_is_pressed

int m_is_pressed

is the key m pressed ?

Definition at line 356 of file glwin.h.

◆ m_terial

Material m_terial

Material description, if any

Definition at line 449 of file glwin.h.

◆ mfactor

int mfactor


Definition at line 353 of file glwin.h.

◆ mpattern

int mpattern

Measure line pattern

Definition at line 352 of file glwin.h.

◆ mtilt

gboolean mtilt

Measure tilt, if any

Definition at line 351 of file glwin.h.

◆ mwidth

double mwidth

Measure line width

Definition at line 354 of file glwin.h.

◆ p_depth

GLdouble p_depth

Camera depth

Definition at line 386 of file glwin.h.

◆ pointrad

double* pointrad

Point size (points or wireframe used as style)

Definition at line 289 of file glwin.h.

◆ quality

GLint quality

Quality of the rendering

Definition at line 439 of file glwin.h.

◆ radall

double radall[2]

Cylinder radii (cylinders used as style)

Definition at line 295 of file glwin.h.

◆ render

OpenGL render type, in
0 = filled (default),
1 = lines,
2 = points

Definition at line 440 of file glwin.h.

◆ rep

int rep

Representation: 0 = orthographic, 1 = perspective

Definition at line 453 of file glwin.h.

◆ rotation_mode

int rotation_mode

Not used anymore, should be removed

Definition at line 425 of file glwin.h.

◆ rotation_quaternion

vec4_t rotation_quaternion

Rotation quaternion

Definition at line 397 of file glwin.h.

◆ selected

atom_selection* selected[2]

atom(s) selection lists
0 = analysis mode,
1 = edition mode

Definition at line 358 of file glwin.h.

◆ show_atom

gboolean* show_atom[2]

Daw or not the atom(s), 0 = atoms, 1 = clones

Definition at line 282 of file glwin.h.

◆ show_coord

gboolean* show_coord[10]

Draw or not the coordination(s)

Definition at line 285 of file glwin.h.

◆ show_label

gboolean* show_label[2]

Draw or not the label(s), 0 = atoms, 1 = clones

Definition at line 283 of file glwin.h.

◆ show_poly

gboolean* show_poly[9]

Draw or not the polyhedra

Definition at line 284 of file glwin.h.

◆ show_vol

Show (1) or hide (0) overall molecular volumes, calculated using:
0 = covalent radii,
1 = ionic radii,
2 = van Der Waals radii,
3 = in crystal radii

Definition at line 404 of file glwin.h.

◆ spcolor

ColRGBA** spcolor[10]

Coordination sphere colors

Definition at line 384 of file glwin.h.

◆ sphererad

double* sphererad

Sphere radii (spheres or ball and stick used as style)

Definition at line 288 of file glwin.h.

◆ step

int step

The MD step, in case of trajectory

Definition at line 452 of file glwin.h.

◆ style

int style

Default style, in:
0 = ball and stick,
1 = wireframe,
2 = spacefilled,
2 = spheres,
3 = cylinders,
4 = dots

Definition at line 427 of file glwin.h.

◆ vol_col

Overall molecular volume colors, calculated using:
0 = covalent radii,
1 = ionic radii,
2 = van Der Waals radii,
3 = in crystal radii

Definition at line 409 of file glwin.h.

◆ zoom

GLdouble zoom

Zoom factor

Definition at line 395 of file glwin.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: