atomes 1.1.14
atomes: an atomic scale modeling tool box
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initmol.c File Reference

Functions to retrieve fragments data from Fortran90
Functions to retrieve molecules data from Fortran90
Functions to analyze molecule topology. More...

#include "global.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "color_box.h"
#include "glwindow.h"
#include "initcoord.h"
+ Include dependency graph for initmol.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  search_molecule


typedef struct search_molecule search_molecule


void duplicate_molecule (molecule *new_mol, search_molecule *old_mol)
 create a copy of a molecule data structure
search_moleculeduplicate_search_molecule (search_molecule *old_mol)
 create a copy of a search molecule data structure
void allocate_mol_for_step_ (int *sid, int *mol_in_step)
 allocate the data to store molecule information for a MD step
void allocate_mol_data_ ()
 allocate data to store molecule information
void send_mol_neighbors_ (int *stp, int *mol, int *aid, int *nvs, int neigh[*nvs])
 update molecule typology information from Fortran90
void update_mol_details (search_molecule *mol, int sp, int cp)
 update molecule information
void send_mol_details_ (int *stp, int *mol, int *ats, int *sps, int spec_in_mol[*sps], int atom_in_mol[*ats])
 overall molecule information from Fortran90
gboolean are_identical_molecules (search_molecule *mol_a, search_molecule *mol_b)
 test if 2 molecules are identicals
int * merge_mol_data (int val_a, int val_b, int table_a[val_a], int table_b[val_b])
 merge molecule a and molecule b data
void free_search_molecule_data (search_molecule *smol)
 free search molecule data structure
void setup_molecules_ (int *stepid)
 setup molecule data
void setup_menu_molecules_ ()
 prepare the menu elements related to molecule(s)
void setup_fragments_ (int *sid, int coord[active_project -> natomes])


int * pgeo
search_moleculetmp_search = NULL
search_molecule ** in_calc_mol = NULL

Detailed Description

Functions to retrieve fragments data from Fortran90
Functions to retrieve molecules data from Fortran90
Functions to analyze molecule topology.

Sébastien Le Roux sebas.nosp@m.tien.nosp@m..lero.nosp@m.ux@i.nosp@m.pcms..nosp@m.unis.nosp@m.tra.f.nosp@m.r

Definition in file initmol.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ search_molecule

typedef struct search_molecule search_molecule

Definition at line 63 of file initmol.c.

Function Documentation

◆ allocate_mol_data_()

void allocate_mol_data_ ( )

allocate data to store molecule information

Definition at line 178 of file initmol.c.

◆ allocate_mol_for_step_()

void allocate_mol_for_step_ ( int * sid,
int * mol_in_step )

allocate the data to store molecule information for a MD step

sidthe MD step
mol_in_stepthe number of molecule(s) for this MD step

Definition at line 167 of file initmol.c.

◆ are_identical_molecules()

gboolean are_identical_molecules ( search_molecule * mol_a,
search_molecule * mol_b )

test if 2 molecules are identicals

mol_athe 1st molecule
mol_bthe 2nd molecule

Definition at line 337 of file initmol.c.

◆ duplicate_molecule()

void duplicate_molecule ( molecule * new_mol,
search_molecule * old_mol )

create a copy of a molecule data structure

new_molthe new molecule
old_molthe molecule to copy

Definition at line 96 of file initmol.c.

◆ duplicate_search_molecule()

search_molecule * duplicate_search_molecule ( search_molecule * old_mol)

create a copy of a search molecule data structure

old_molthe search molecule data structure to copy

Definition at line 114 of file initmol.c.

◆ free_search_molecule_data()

void free_search_molecule_data ( search_molecule * smol)

free search molecule data structure

smolthe search molecule data structure to free

Definition at line 426 of file initmol.c.

◆ merge_mol_data()

int * merge_mol_data ( int val_a,
int val_b,
int table_a[val_a],
int table_b[val_b] )

merge molecule a and molecule b data

val_amultiplicity for molecule a
val_bmultiplicity for molecule b
table_athe list of molecular fragment(s) for molecule a
table_bthe list of molecular fragment(s) for molecule b

Definition at line 402 of file initmol.c.

◆ send_mol_details_()

void send_mol_details_ ( int * stp,
int * mol,
int * ats,
int * sps,
int spec_in_mol[ *sps],
int atom_in_mol[ *ats] )

overall molecule information from Fortran90

stpthe MD step
molthe molecule id
atsthe number of atom(s) in the molecule
spsthe number of chemical species in the molecule
spec_in_molthe number of atom(s) by chemical species in the molecule
atom_in_molthe list of atom(s) in the molecule

Definition at line 296 of file initmol.c.

◆ send_mol_neighbors_()

void send_mol_neighbors_ ( int * stp,
int * mol,
int * aid,
int * nvs,
int neigh[ *nvs] )

update molecule typology information from Fortran90

stpthe MD step
molthe molecule id
aidthe atom id
nvsthe number of neighbor(s) for this atom
neighthe list of neighbor(s) for this atom

Definition at line 217 of file initmol.c.

◆ setup_fragments_()

void setup_fragments_ ( int * sid,
int coord[active_project -> natomes] )

Definition at line 558 of file initmol.c.

◆ setup_menu_molecules_()

void setup_menu_molecules_ ( )

prepare the menu elements related to molecule(s)

Definition at line 533 of file initmol.c.

◆ setup_molecules_()

void setup_molecules_ ( int * stepid)

setup molecule data

stepidthe MD step

Definition at line 457 of file initmol.c.

◆ update_mol_details()

void update_mol_details ( search_molecule * mol,
int sp,
int cp )

update molecule information

molthe molecule to update
spthe chemical species
cpthe partial coordination id

Definition at line 262 of file initmol.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ in_calc_mol

search_molecule** in_calc_mol = NULL

Definition at line 85 of file initmol.c.

◆ pgeo

int* pgeo

Definition at line 83 of file initmol.c.

◆ tmp_mol

molecule* tmp_mol

Definition at line 956 of file dlp_field.c.

◆ tmp_search

search_molecule* tmp_search = NULL

Definition at line 84 of file initmol.c.