atomes 1.1.14
atomes: an atomic scale modeling tool box
No Matches
w_atoms.c File Reference

Functions to create the atom(s) / clone(s) advanced configuration window. More...

#include "global.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "glview.h"
#include "glwindow.h"
#include "color_box.h"
+ Include dependency graph for w_atoms.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


atom_searchallocate_atom_search (int proj, int action, int searchid, int tsize)
 allocate atom search data structure
gchar * label_atpts (project *this_proj, glwin *view, int id)
 prepare the text of a menu item in the 'Model -> Atom(s)' submenu
GtkWidget * labels_tab (glwin *view, int id)
 create atomic label(s) tab for the atom(s) / clone(s) window
GtkWidget * selection_tab (atom_search *asearch, int nats)
 create the search widget
G_MODULE_EXPORT void update_atom_size (GtkEntry *res, gpointer data)
 update atom radius callback
void atoms_input_win (GtkWidget *win, project *this_proj, int nspec, int aoc, double *val)
 prepare atom radii entry list
G_MODULE_EXPORT void set_atom_parameter (GtkWidget *widg, gpointer data)
 set atom parameter - creating the dialog
G_MODULE_EXPORT void set_atom_color (GtkColorChooser *colob, gpointer data)
 set atom color callback
G_MODULE_EXPORT void toggled_show_hide_atom (GtkToggleButton *but, gpointer data)
 toggle show/hide atom(s) callback GTK3
G_MODULE_EXPORT void toggled_show_hide_label (GtkToggleButton *but, gpointer data)
 toggle show/hide label(s) callback GTK3
GtkWidget * prop_tab (glwin *view, int aoc)
 create atom(s)/clone(s) properties tab
G_MODULE_EXPORT void close_model (GtkButton *but, gpointer data)
 free 'model_win' data
G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean close_event_model (GtkWidget *widg, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
 close event callback GTK3
GtkWidget * advance_atom_notebook (glwin *view, int atom_or_clone)
 create atom(s) advanced properties notebook
GtkWidget * advanced_atom_properties (int atom_or_clone, glwin *view)
 create atom advanced properties window 'model_win'
G_MODULE_EXPORT void atom_properties (GSimpleAction *action, GVariant *parameter, gpointer data)
 atom(s) propery callback GTK4


GtkTreeStore * atom_model

Detailed Description

Functions to create the atom(s) / clone(s) advanced configuration window.

Sébastien Le Roux sebas.nosp@m.tien.nosp@m..lero.nosp@m.ux@i.nosp@m.pcms..nosp@m.unis.nosp@m.tra.f.nosp@m.r

Definition in file w_atoms.c.

Function Documentation

◆ advance_atom_notebook()

GtkWidget * advance_atom_notebook ( glwin * view,
int atom_or_clone )

create atom(s) advanced properties notebook

viewthe target glwin
atom_or_cloneatom(s) (0) or clone(s) (1)

Definition at line 509 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ advanced_atom_properties()

GtkWidget * advanced_atom_properties ( int atom_or_clone,
glwin * view )

create atom advanced properties window 'model_win'

atom_or_cloneatom(s) (0) or clone(s) (1)
viewthe target glwin

Definition at line 533 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ allocate_atom_search()

atom_search * allocate_atom_search ( int proj,
int action,
int searchid,
int tsize )

allocate atom search data structure

projthe target project id
actionthe edition action
searchidthe atom search id
tsizethe atom search object list size

Definition at line 392 of file atom_edit.c.

◆ atom_properties()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void atom_properties ( GSimpleAction * action,
GVariant * parameter,
gpointer data )

atom(s) propery callback GTK4

actionthe GAction sending the signal
parameterGVariant parameter of the GAction
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 573 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ atoms_input_win()

void atoms_input_win ( GtkWidget * win,
project * this_proj,
int nspec,
int aoc,
double * val )

prepare atom radii entry list

winthe GtkWidget sending the signal
this_projthe target project
nspectotal number of chemical species
aocatom(s) (0) or clone(s) (1)
valradii list

Definition at line 143 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ close_event_model()

G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean close_event_model ( GtkWidget * widg,
GdkEvent * event,
gpointer data )

close event callback GTK3

widgthe GtkWidget sending the signal
eventthe GdkEvent triggering the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 494 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ close_model()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void close_model ( GtkButton * but,
gpointer data )

free 'model_win' data

butthe GtkButton sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 463 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ label_atpts()

gchar * label_atpts ( project * this_proj,
glwin * view,
int id )

prepare the text of a menu item in the 'Model -> Atom(s)' submenu

this_projthe target project
viewthe target glwin
idthe type of label to prepare

Definition at line 72 of file m_atoms.c.

◆ labels_tab()

GtkWidget * labels_tab ( glwin * view,
int lid )

create atomic label(s) tab for the atom(s) / clone(s) window

viewthe target glwin
lidlabel type (0 = atoms, 1 = clones, 3 = analysis measures, 4 = edition mode measures)

Definition at line 537 of file w_labels.c.

◆ prop_tab()

GtkWidget * prop_tab ( glwin * view,
int aoc )

create atom(s)/clone(s) properties tab

viewthe target glwin
aocatom(s) (0) or clone(s) (1)

Definition at line 352 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ selection_tab()

GtkWidget * selection_tab ( atom_search * asearch,
int nats )

create the search widget

asearchthe target atom search
natsthe total number of atoms

Definition at line 4130 of file w_search.c.

◆ set_atom_color()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void set_atom_color ( GtkColorChooser * colob,
gpointer data )

set atom color callback

colobthe GtkColorChooser sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 228 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ set_atom_parameter()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void set_atom_parameter ( GtkWidget * widg,
gpointer data )

set atom parameter - creating the dialog

widgthe GtkWidget sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 192 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ toggled_show_hide_atom()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void toggled_show_hide_atom ( GtkToggleButton * but,
gpointer data )

toggle show/hide atom(s) callback GTK3

butthe GtkToggleButton sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 259 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ toggled_show_hide_label()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void toggled_show_hide_label ( GtkToggleButton * but,
gpointer data )

toggle show/hide label(s) callback GTK3

butthe GtkToggleButton sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 310 of file w_atoms.c.

◆ update_atom_size()

G_MODULE_EXPORT void update_atom_size ( GtkEntry * res,
gpointer data )

update atom radius callback

resthe GtkEntry sending the signal
datathe associated data pointer

Definition at line 75 of file w_atoms.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ atom_model

GtkTreeStore* atom_model